Monday, 21 October 2013

The Fault in our Stars

Book Review

I recently read a book by the best selling author, John Green. The book is titled 'The Fault in our Stars'.
This book is written through the perspective of a 16 year old terminal lung cancer patient, Hazel Grace. Because Hazel is a cancer patient, she regularly attends a support group held in the center of her local church - commonly referenced as the 'Literal heart of Jesus'. On one of her visits to the support group, she catches the eye of former basketball player, Augustus Waters. He is attending the support group with his friend Isaac (who lost one eye to cancer at a young age). Sure enough, Hazel and Augustus fall deeply in love. Augustus uses his 'Cancer Perk' to take Hazel to visit Amsterdam to visit her favorite author, however unfortunately, the cancer kicks in and their visit didn't end quite as they had expected. What I liked about this book is that it really dramatizes how short life really is.

Although this book is about cancer kids, it is not entirely a 'tragic' book. Throughout the book, I really warmed to all the characters, Augustus in particular. Augustus is a charming yet witty character who lost his right leg to osteosarcoma and is in remission. I think the reason I warmed to all the characters was that they all seemed very real. Augustus is 17 and lives with his parents. He sees a very deep meaning in anything and everything e.g. he has a packet of cigarettes and he uses one but he does not light it.  

"Its a metaphor; You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing"
 I chose to read this book because lots of my friends were raving about it and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Another reason I read this book is that it is in the process of becoming a movie. The motion picture version is expected to be out on the sixth of June 2014. (Fun Fact: The actor who is set to play Isaac, is one of the lead singers of the Naked Brothers Band- I mentioned their song 'Taxi Cab' in a previous post). I rate this book 10 out of 10 as it is my favorite book of the year by far. I recommend this book to any young adult, but, (spoiler alert) it is extremely likely that you will cry and or be left speechless at the end.

What is your favorite book and who is the author?
Comment below :)

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